Live Confidently

Kathy Cook


Kathleen “Kathy” Cook is an LPL Financial Advisor, has been with Tarr Financial for over 3 years, and in the Finance Industry for over 10. As a certified John Maxwell Coach, she places a strong emphasis on “Values before Assets” in her approach to financial advising.

Kathy is passionate about developing a personalized experience for her clients. Whatever stage of life you’re in – whether planning for retirement, accumulating wealth, or going through a transition period – she uses education as the foundation of financial planning to provide her client with clarity of where they want to go.

Kathy and her husband have been married for over 30 years. They have served together for over 20 years in ministry, and she currently assists her husband as he Pastors Impact Church in Romeo, MI keeping her very involved in the community

As a family they have served as missionaries in the South Pacific and worked in Finances at a Bible College in New York. They continue to travel as International Speakers with her husband’s non-profit, Lasting Impact Ministry, pouring into wounded ministry leaders to empower them to move from “Battle Weary to Battle Strong”.

Together, they have three adult children: James who is a Naval Officer, Taylor, and Timothy; and six grandchildren who they love soaking up as much time with them as they can.

When not working with clients, Kathy likes to spend time family and enjoy a great day of sailing (or wishing she could be sailing!)

  1. Values before Assets: find the qualities and principals intrinsically valuable and desirable to you; “Life’s Emotional Payoff” Roadmap

  2. Clarity: create a plan to get you from where you are to where you want to go

  3. Build your legacy